Negative Ions

Ions exist in the air all around us as either positively or negatively charged air molecules. 

Positive ions are molecules or compounds that have an overall positive charge. Current research has shown that positive ions are often associated with harmful compounds that produce detrimental effects to our bodies.

Some examples of positively charged ions or compounds include: Airborne Chemicals (VOCs), Dust, Mold, Allergens, Bacteria and Viruses. Positive ions are often found in enclosed environments such as: offices, buildings, cars, poorly-ventilated areas, highly-polluted areas, and unfortunately the modern-day home.

An environment rich in positive ions have been shown to decrease our overall health and well-being.

On the other hand, negative ions have been scientifically observed and proven to provide a multitude of benefits to our bodies.

Negative ions are molecules or compounds that have an overall negative charge. Negative ions are naturally found in the outdoor environment and are created by electrostatic phenomena.

Negative ions can be found in abundance near waterfalls, beaches, and mountain springs. The elevated mood and well-being we experience when visiting these places can be attributed to these microscopic ions.

Not only do negative ions contribute to our physical and mental well-being but also have a natural and powerful air filtering effect.

Opposite charges attract and by this mechanism, negative ions bind to harmful positive ions and positively charged compounds in our air space. Once bound, they harmful positively charged compounds becomes heavy and fall to the ground; instead of inhaled in our lungs.